The Good Service Scale

Assess the quality of your service using the 15 Principles of Good Service Design

The Good Service Scale will help you and your team understand how well your service is performing for your users, where it needs to be improved, and build a clear a plan to improve it

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How to use the scale

Use the scale for user research, in workshops or on your own to assess and continuously monitor the quality of your service

  • Self-assess the quality of your service, either on your own or with your team

  • Structure your research with users and understand how your service is performing with different groups

  • Benchmark your service and track how it improves over time

  • Prioritise where to invest in service improvement by understanding which services need the most improvement

For more ideas and instructions on how to use the scale read the instruction guide

Good Service levels

Score your service against four levels of quality:

Level 5 - Good

Your service is easily findable and usable by anyone who needs to use it, enabling all users to consistently achieve the goal they set out to achieve. Your service is likely to encourage behaviours that benefit not just your user and staff, but society and the planet as a whole

Level 4 - Moderate

Most users are able to find and use your service successfully, although some users may still be excluded. A user’s ability to achieve the goal they set out to achieve, in one seamless service is still likely to be made more difficult by organisational silos or more inconsistencies in the service

Level 3 - Unsatisfactory

Though some users will be able to use your service to reach their desired goal, the service is still difficult to use for the majority of users, and is likely to favour those with time and previous experience. Your users may face delays in the use of your service due to organisational silos or unnecessary bureaucracy, and may still become confused by inconsistencies in the service or ways of working that are unfamiliar

Level 2 - Poor

Though a minority of users might be able to complete your service it is unlikely to get them to the goal they need to achieve. The majority of your users are likely to struggle to find or use your service, either because it is not inclusive, or it is designed for expert use

Level 1 - Bad

Only the most expert and determined users can find and use this service, it is impossible for most. It may pose significant risks to those users who are able to use it by encouraging unsafe behaviours, and may make it extremely difficult for users to understand and resolve issues when they arise

For more detailed information about scoring read the scoring guide

Download the scale

Download the tool for free


Need a little help?

Understanding whether your service is working well is just the start, if you need a little help getting started or knowing how to make change happen get in touch